Jack Morrigan

( Jackie, Captain Jack Sparrow )

June 4, 2006 - February 4, 2025

Jack joined our pack in the summer of 2006. A scruffy, feisty wee mite of a kitten, she was full of spirit and love. She immediately adopted and dominated our two near-one-hundred-pound Shepherd X Huskies, and became fast friends with our resident cats. 

Fiercely independent from the start, Jack bonded exclusively with no human, but loved us all equally. She was always happy to greet a new family member, human, canine or feline, and take them under her care. 

Her scruffy, tufty kitten fur grew into a magnificent, long, jet black hair coat that was her pride. A very dainty girl, her tiny face would all but disappear when she closed her eyes, her coat and even her nose was that black.

Jackie-Pop enjoyed her life, plain and simple. She was a steady and calming presence in our lives, and we were blessed to be her guardians for almost 19 years. 

Our Captain Jack put up a fierce fight against kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, and arthritis for the last 5 years of her life. 

We would like to thank Dr. Singh at Henderson Animal Hospital for his ongoing compassionate care, and to Dr. Liz Andree of Sunset Veterinary Care for making Our Jackie's transition from this life to the next so peaceful and beautiful. 

Rest easy now Jack. Run and play with The Pack.

We'll see you at The Bridge.




Chairman Meow