You were born the day before Halloween in 2010 and you were our Princess all the way to the end.
Truth be told, you were our Snoopervisor. Princess Snoopervisor. You always had your nose in everything. Always seeing what we were doing; you had to be in the middle of it all.
You were a big dog in a small body. When we lost Enzo, you became my sidekick. When we got Tucker, you tolerated him along with your sister. But when Jazmine passed away, you trained Tucker in getting snacks your way. Trust me Princess, he graduated your class with flying colors.
As my favorite t-shirt of yours says “I’m a Princess, Get Over It!”, that was you right down to your core. You were 10 lbs. of attitude and we sure do miss you.
Be free with your sister Jazmine and your golden brothers in Rainbow Bridge.
Love Roxanne, Paulette and Tucker