Kymba Lou

December 17, 2010 - April 17, 2022

On Easter Sunday, much to the heart break of momma and all our friends, I have earned my WINGS. It was a very sudden thing, and when Momma took me for my Health Check on April 7, my Doctor Rita McKay told us that there was something very sinister and very bad in my body. Momma and I tried very hard to fight it, but we couldn’t. On Easter Sunday, Momma asked my Auntie Jackie to come and get us and take me to the Hospital. It was a horrible drive and the roads were bumpy and slow. As we got close to the hospital, I decided to do things MY WAY, and I said in my ‘Kymba voice’, “I am not gonna let you make a hard decision Momma, I will do things on MY terms” So, as Momma rubbed my little head, I popped up and I started my new journey. 

One year Momma bought me a motorcycle! That was my passion. We would drive all over the place and I became a celebrity in my doggles and in my little seat that said “Driving Miss Kymba”. I loved the wind in my hair. Momma had to secretly take MY motorcycle out of the garage and close the door before she would start it, so that I wouldn’t know on the days that I couldn’t go along. If Momma asked me to go on the motorcycle, I would run around waiting for someone to put my harness and my collar on!

With Love and a big “RARRRRRROOOOO”, KYMBA LOU!




K’eyush Henzel